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Today's Inspiration

"Show me a man who cannot bother to do little things and I'll show you a man who cannot be trusted to do big things."

Lawrence D. Bell

Thursday, April 22, 2010

No Where To Go But Up From Here

Well the time has finally come!

I have put in my notice at work and I am stepping out on faith, trusting that God will provide a way. Its funny this is the first time I have no idea what I am going to do and how things will work out, but what I do know is my family and I will be more than ok. And for the first time in a long time I can breath and I have relief.

See I spent the past year depressed and worrying what was going to happen, how the bills would get paid, how the baby would get fed, etc. Meanwhile, while I am worrying and having my pity party I did not take the time to look around me and see how God was truely workng in my life.

What I failed to realize is no matter how bad things seemed, they always worked out. No matter how low I got or what my bank statement said the Lord always provided a way, I was never left with out. I have a supportive family and in this economy although I hated it I atleast had a job where I met wonderful co-workers in which I came to love.

It wasn't until I was hospitalized for depression (which I had no clue I had, I guess you could call it denial)that God showed me that I was putting my focus into the wrong things. I was spending my time at home in a Zombie like trance stressing out about my issues, instead of being thankful I had a supportive husband, and a beautiful daughter that were there for me. My husband and I were becoming strangers, and my daughter was desperitly missing her mother. It was there in the hospital bed that I decided to no longer be the Victom but to become the Victor. I decided from that day on I would become my own boss, and have that quality time with my family and the peace of mind that I deserved.

Sometimes God will allow us to be broken down or stripped so to speak, so that he can build us back up stronger and better than before. I am happy to say I have arrived and my husband and I are now ready for the battle. You see in order to obtain your goals and see your vision come to pass, you have to be willing to make sacrifices. After all if it were easy everyone would be happy and successful. Once I realized that and came to truley trust in God and not the Nay Sayers, I was able to say farewell to what was comfortable but not true Happiness. I must say it was the best decision I ever made.

Stay tuned I will take you along for the ride, often times you just hear the outcome to peoples success, but its not often you are taken through the journey with them. Stay tuned for updates on my journey. Remember you CAN DO anything you put your mind too. When you cease to believe you cease to move toward what God has in store for you.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Money Saving Tip of the Day

If you are looking for ways to save money, how about looking into Stream Direct TV. Its really neat and it can save you tons on your cable bills. Click Here!

It's Official

I bet you wont, it could change your life Click Here!

Its official, the Corporate world is just not for me. I can finally and honestly say I am fed up and ready to do something about it. Who is with me? I have had one too many hospital visits due to stress and depression than I can take so now its time to make that change, and stop taking matters into my own hands and place them into Gods. No more working all week and draining myself of every ounce of energy I have, only to get a paycheck at the end of the week that barely covers a pack of gum. No more crying because I don't have the time or money to do the things I have dreamt of with my family. My husband and I WILL have the Honeymoon we never had, and my daughter will have her mom at home to see her grow every step of the way! You may be asking yourself just how I plan on doing this... and the answer to your question is I am RECESSION PROOFING MY FINANCES wow that felt great to say and even better to do.

The first step to being Recession Proof is thinking positive, believe me Ladies and Gents you will have what you say good or bad, so start speaking positive things into your life. Also know that not everyone is going to have the same vision as you so be prepared to block out the nay sayers and keep your eye on the prize.

Next your going to need to do some brainstorming. You need to think about the things you truly enjoy doing, as well as make realistic goals (i.e monthly income you would like to see, how many hours you are willing to put in, how you are going to generate this income etc.)

If you are a mom like me you may be interested in working from home. Working from home is a great way to save on Day Care , gas and dinning out expenses. This is also a win win situation because you are able to spend more time with the kids, get them off to school, help out with home work and just enjoy the family . Now I will be the first to warn you that there are a lot of work at home scams out there, so it is imperative that you do your research. It is common to have to make a small out of pocket investment to get your service up and running however the bright side to this is sense you are working as an Independent Contractor in most instances, these fees will be 100% tax deductible. In most cases if for some reason you are not satisfied with you investment, most legit companies will offer a money back guarantee. If there is no guarantee offered that could be a red flag. Also be weary of work at home companies that charge a membership fee and once you sign up they continue requesting additional funds in order for you to get upgraded levels of training. Many work at home programs do take some work and are not a get rich quick type of deal however with some initial hard work and dedication you can kiss your job good bye and make an excellent living for you and your family.

Here are a couple of work at home programs I know are legitimate companies and have a minimal start up fee.

start up fee is $50 usd - $50 goes toward your background check however you will make your money back with in the first 2 weeks depending on how much you work. Please see below for the link to their website to obtain more detailed information.

Web Colleagues
start up fee is $49 usd- $49 is a one time membership fee which includes all the training you will need as well as all computer programs and sites you will need to be successful in your business. Please see below for the link to their website to obtain more detailed information.

The above mentioned companies are companies I have done research on and personally recommend them as reputable work at home companies. Stay Tuned for more company links and reviews. If you have any recommendations or comments please feel free to post them. This Blog is all about sharing information and helping others reach financial freedom as well as your self.

Until next time God Bless.